Sunday 2 August 2009

Parliament urges southern retirement,unemployment resolution

A parliamentary report recommended the study of the retirees’ problems whose situations have not been settled. The report proposed asking a return to servicing those who didn’t reach pension – term and to cater for those who reached it and are still fit to work. The report also asked for addressing the issue of youth unemployment in order to find appropriate solutions for them.

The recommendations called for support to the dead and wounded demonstrations’ victims from both the military and civilians and asked for the adoption of the serious dialogue principle, proposing it to be the political option among all political forces within a legal and constitutional framework.

A parliamentary committee recommended prohibiting demonstrations at al-Hashimi Square in Aden because it is a public service area and thus deemed inappropriate as it hinders the movement of people.

The recommendations require addressing the situations linked to the security imbalances. Including directing the media, guidance and education to focus on raising awareness of national principles and unity of homeland, its security and stability and to reject the culture of hatred and violence as well as speeding up the submission of a bill that criminalizes any action that may undermine national unity and the basics.

The parliament committees ensured activation of regulatory mechanisms for demonstrations and rallies and the implementation of the criminal law and the other relevant laws in order to take the necessary measures when criminal actions are committed. Further, to refer the ones who are found to be involved in murder, violence, chaos and highway crimes to the judiciary so as to deal with the matters expeditiously.

The parliament’s proposed recommendations stress the need for the application of the Prison Act and the defense act for the speeding up of litigation before the judiciary.

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